Saturday, June 23, 2007

Western Days '07

Our community's summer festival is wrapping up today, starting with the big parade down main street. It is a real joy to see everyone out either taking in the parade or marching in it. It lasted about an hour this morning. There were alot of great floats and groups in it, but the Tennessee Walker pictured at right was really impressive, a beatiful horse that was taller than any other in the parade (and this being horse county there were many, even one draft horse).

The festival retains the fun and sense of small-town community it has had since I came here in '96, despite our proximity to the metropolitan area. A kid with a wagon can still get in and march if the notion takes them.

God's love for us is amazing, well beyond our ability to understand. I see it reflected in so many ways, and this little slice of his creation is yet another.

Yours in Christ.

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