Saturday, June 23, 2007

Wesleyan Christianity

Thanks to Gavin at Hit the Back etc... quoting John Wesley and Locust & Honey's "An Outsider Perspective", what Wesleyan style Christianity looks like, can be easily understood. Gavin summarizes John Wesley's description of how a Methodist (the original name for this flavor of Christianity) feels about things. L&H found and links to a post at Act 3 "Whither Methodism" where John Armstrong accurately details how the group can continue to practice the Great Commission.

Remember that Wesley did not intend to start a new denomination, he sought personal holiness and the revolutionary renewal came about through him by the power of the Holy Spirit . That renewal was the return, by individuals not a group, to the real work Jesus Christ calls us to; the Great Commission. To do that work we must, individually, know Jesus and "keep our eyes on him". Renewal has been institutionalized in the discipline of the denomination.

A Wesleyan Christian is full of joyful hope, not married to a denomination or political/social/intellectual wing/position within it, but is saved from death by Jesus, and trying to share that gospel of salvation & redemption from sin to our siblings who do not know it (and if they are hungry/sick/poor/disturbed working to relieve that because we try to practice the love ((ethic)) of our Christ because of our salvation, not to achieve it. See GCP's "Ending the War Against the Poor").

We are not Wesleyan Christians when we are otherwise -

Yours in Christ.

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