Thursday, July 26, 2007

Rare horticulture

In between showers yesterday I was out in the yard. The mushrooms have given way to other, more unusual fungi like devil's cigars and round golden brown things. More interesting still are the molds I found. On a stack of two year dry milled mesquite is growing a blue-green colored mold that has the consistency of the dust from a vacuum cleaner bag. It is growing on the light yellow outer wood of the mesquite predominately, but has spilled onto the red heartwood as well.

On remnants of an old elm stump a black, gray tipped spiky mold is growing very well. It has covered the stump and the visual effect from a few feet a way is very striking. I can't describe it. I suppose I should take a picture.

Interesting things that grow in this wet, cool environment. Keeping an eye out for the mango trees and monkeys.

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